Some useful tips to consider before attending a yoga class:
- Do not have any solid food 3-4 hours before a yoga class. Juice and fruits are OK up to an hour before the class.
- Wear comfortable stretchy clothes. Bring socks and a jumper to keep warm during final relaxation.
- We have some mats but it is always nicer to use your own.
- Do not wear socks in class or alternatively wear yoga socks – they are anti-slip and good for yoga.
- Never do anything that does not feel right, for instance a stretching sensation is good but pain isn’t. Pain is an indicator that you have gone too far and would probably need to take a step back.
- Yoga is non-competitive and thus what other people are able to do might be beyond your limitations or comfort zone. That is fine as we are all different and we only need to pay attention to own bodies and what they are telling us. Learn to listen.
- Practise with a smile.