The Ace of Cups symbolizes love and compassion. This indeed is our true nature. Jesus taught that love is at the centre of all beings – love that is unconditional, forgiving and not self-serving. However Buddha taught that our true nature is obscured by fear, wanting and delusion. One needs to be mindful of how those three condition what we think and value.  The aim of yoga is to realize our true nature and achieve enlightenment. 

With the Ace of Cups, Divine love and compassion are pouring through you. We are a vessel for deep, spiritual love from the Universe. All we need to do is let that love flow through us and into the world. Giving and receiving love are easy and natural as we ARE love. Consequently we become more receptive to creative opportunities, deep compassion for other living beings and loving connections. 

The Ace of Cups is an invitation to fill your own cup. Will you accept it? It carries the potential for emotional and spiritual fulfillment  but you need to embrace it with an open heart. It represents that we have become more open to creative expression and inspired to start a new project. On a more metaphorical level, it may mean the birth of a new idea or a spark of inspiration – something in which we can invest a great deal of loving and creative energy. It signifies that at this point in our life, we are comfortable with who we are. It is no coincidence that you have come across the Ace of Cups now.

Take the opportunity to help yourself and others through yoga. Sharing our inner radiance and positive energy brings happiness to those around us. And the more we give, the more we receive on multiple levels.